Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Posted on Facebook: Having lunch with the missionaries in our house on Argentina Mothers Day. (19 Oct 2014)

Querida Familia,

What a week it has been! Glad that things are good up there, sounds like Carter is still putting on a show on the volleyball court, haha. I am glad that his team is doing well and enjoying their time together. Something super important.

That's awesome that the Heninger's cousin got called to the mission in Cordoba. He's gonna love Argentina. It's the greatest! As far as food, it's pretty simple. Lots of rice, meat, and pasta. I love it. Asado is one of the most prestigious dishes here, it's like roast beef but they cook it on the BBQ and it's unreal. They also love their milanesa, which is a breaded meat or chicken. I use my sleeping bag in winter yes, get's a bit cold.. so I think its something good to bring. As far as things I could need I will think and let you know.

I have been reading and watching the Conference talks over this week and I have really been touched by the talks. This week I have really been trying to think about Charity, and developing a true love for others. I think this is one of the most important things in life, and it is a attribute that will makes us become more like our Savior. I truly have been impacted by the talk "Are We Not All Beggars" by Elder Holland. I especially love this part..

"For one thing, we can, as King Benjamin taught, cease withholding our means because we see the poor as having brought their misery upon themselves. Perhaps some have created their own difficulties, but don’t the rest of us do exactly the same thing? Isn’t that why this compassionate ruler asks, “Are we not all beggars?” Don’t we all cry out for help and hope and answers to prayers? Don’t we all beg for forgiveness for mistakes we have made and troubles we have caused? Don’t we all implore that grace will compensate for our weaknesses, that mercy will triumph over justice at least in our case? Little wonder that King Benjamin says we obtain a remission of our sins by pleading to God, who compassionately responds, but we retain a remission of our sins by compassionately responding to the poor who plead to us"

After reading this talk I have really had the desire to make a difference, and to give to those who need. Living in Argentina has opened my eyes tremendously and I would literally do anything for the people here. I sometimes joke about how during the mission has been the first time I'm sad that I'm tall.. because I can't give my clothes away haha. But more then just this, when we truly have a caring heart we can make the difference in the lives of so many.

In the mission things are still going great. It has been a bit hard for us lately to find new people to teach, but we are still working hard and seeing lots of miracles. Teodora is doing awesome! She is set for her baptism for the 25th of this month. She has been receiving her answer little by little as she has learned to press attention to the small whisperings of the spirit. The other day we had a Family Home Evening with her and 2 other families in our ward. We had a lesson, played some games and then after we ate tacos! It was great! During the lesson she announced in front of everyone "I'm working towards my baptism next Saturday." It was so awesome to hear as she shared her testimony and her desires with everyone! Her desire and conversion really has come through the Book of Mormon, she has pretty much read every single day since we have started visiting her. I am super excited for her and for the fact that she will be making this amazing promise with God, and that she will become a member of the church. I have gained such a strong testimony about baptism, and the importance it is that everyone takes this step in their life.

Well things are great hear.. we are a full right now with everyone. The Hermana Robertson is helping us do a serious spring cleaning of the office haha, their are a ton of old stuff here that we need to get rid of so we will be spending a lot of our P-day working but it's great! It is fun when we are all together and working, something I enjoy rather then something that is a chore.

Hope you guys have a great week and know how much I love you. I have gotten to the part where my emails can't explain how I feel about the mission and my Savior. but I have no doubt in my mind that this is the only way we can be truly happy. There is no other way to return to live with our Heavenly Father, and how grateful I am to be apart of His true church today. I loved President Monson's talk "Guided Safely Home". I know that Jesus Christ is OUR good shepherd and that he loves us, and is the only way we can make our way back home.. this really is my prayer and my testimony, that we can develop our relationship with Him and come to understand better His eternal love.
Love you guys so much, off to work :)
E' Hansen

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