Monday, October 14, 2013

Hola familia! 

It has been another great week here in Argentina and I feel very blessed today. I didn't even know it was thanksgiving, since I will probably be eating pizza again instead of turkey! haha. I am so glad that you all are doing well and are able to spend quality time with each other. There really is nothing more special in this life than family. After loving the Lord, family is the most important thing and I am so thankful we always had such a close family growing up. It really was never hard to have fun and enjoy the moments in our house and for that I am truly grateful.

Thats rough about the Blazers and Hurricanes. I cant believe the Canes are having that much trouble, have you been to many games? What is going on? I hope that things turn around for Russ, there is nothing better in hockey than the playoffs and I hope he is able to make them. One more question, who are the 20 year olds for Kamloops? and where are all the other 19 year olds from last year?

I love to hear the volleyball updates! Carter you are a machine. Mom you better take lots of videos so post mission I can watch them ok? haha thank you! I can just see that long flow right now when you are jumping, makes me kinda miss my hair. Speaking of hair I had another missionary trim mine today with his clippers.. Its not a Jordan Hansen hair cut but it will do the job! Carter keep working hard and I know you will have success, be a leader to your team in all that you do! I know they look up to you, just like I look up to you. You have such a sweet spirited personality and people want to be like you! I was also thinking the other day... You should take a Spanish class either next semester or in grade 12! So when you get called on your mission to Argentina you will already be able to speak Spanish! 

Over my first 3 weeks I have definitely learnt a lot of Spanish. But I have also learnt that Spanish is the Lord's way of teaching me patience haha. It is very difficult not being able to express myself like I would be able to, or really share my feelings with others. But I have also learnt that it doesn't really matter what you say, as long as you are teaching with the spirit. Many times I have already witnessed myself saying things that I didn't think I knew, and even things which afterwards I thought made zero sense.. but the investigators always find a way to understand. Its special. The second thing I've learnt is charity, sometimes after a long day of nothing but Spanish I have a hard time really trying to listen to people. I don't always understand much so I get frustrated. But I believe if I really understand how important these people are to my Savior that I will be able to make it through the hard times. I cant imagine how Japanese was for you Dad, you are the man!

I thought I would give you a little overview how things worked here since I haven't really done that. Lujan like I said before has about 80 000 people, and about 7 districts, and 20 missionaries. So it is definitely small in numbers for members so there is lots of work to be done. We wake up at about 6:20 every morning, get ready for the day and then study till 12. Before I thought studying for 4 hours would be so long, but I really have found a love for studying the scriptures. Then we make lunch, which is usually pizza, pasta, chicken, its pretty routine but it's good. I am getting enough to eat so don't worry mother! haha. And 3 times a week we go over to the Peraltas and they feed us. There are 3 different Peralta families, the dad and his 2 kids which are married now. They are all involved in the mission presidency or district presidency so they are awesome and help us a ton. Then we usually proselyte and teach for about 7 hours a day. I have never walked so much in my life, but its not too bad.

I still haven't tried to take any money out, there hasn't been a need. We get 800 pesos per month, which is enough to get all our food and stuff we need. Our p-days are usually just emailing, shopping, and cleaning clothes. But we are going to go do some sight seeing one of these days. There is a huge Catholic church we are going to go see, and then there is also a zoo! So I'm looking forward to that. This Wednesday we are going to play soccer with a bunch of the members and our investigators, so it will be my first real shot at playing soccer against them.. its gonna be bad! haha. And no we don't really eat out much, usually just buy groceries because restaurants are sooo expensive, but occasionally we will go out if we have a little bit of money left.

This week was a good one filled with lots of ups and downs. For some reason we got yelled at a lot this week. I heard Satanas a couple times, one guy asked us if we were gay, and other people just scream "loco" from their cars. Its quite interesting. But as far as missionary work O••• and I••• are both progressing well and so hopefully they will be ready to be baptized on the 26th! We had 4 investigators with us in church this week which was awesome, it is definitely one of the most important out of the commitments we have for them. As they come to church and feel of the Spirit they are able to understand just why this church is so special. During hockey, I didn't really attend church much as you know, but now I am so grateful for the opportunity I have every week.

I don't have much time today and my thoughts are scattered everywhere, but I want to share what I am grateful for since it is thanksgiving. This morning I came across Matthew, 10: 32-33. It is one of the more bold scriptures in the Bible. I love being able to testify of Jesus Christ, his life, and his gospel everyday. I am grateful for that opportunity, and I challenge you all to do so as well. I am grateful that I know I can live with my family forever, and most of all I am grateful for my Savior and for his Atonement. I am so far from perfect, so I am grateful for what he has done for me.

You guys are awesome. I love you so much and am grateful for you love and support. I hope you guys have a great week. Keep being examples to everyone around you!

Love, Elder Hansen.

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